Syndicated radio show In The Studio this week celebrate the 35th anniversary of Foreigner's debut album. In March of 1977 former veteran Spooky Tooth blues rocker Mick Jones introduced his new band Foreigner to America and the world. Growing up in England, Jones tells show host Redbeard how important America was to his musical upbringing. "Originally I had come over to America because I felt, in a funny way, that somehow I was destined to be here... It was like Mecca...I had to come here... (it's) musical heritage had started me off... I had to prove something here."
Off the successes of "Cold as Ice" and the Top 5 single "Feels Like the First Time" Foreigner moved quickly up the ladder of bands that would dominate the '70s and '80s.
InTheStudio is syndicated on over 50 radio stations throughout North America. The Foreigner/ InTheStudio program will air the week of March 26th. Stream this interview online here.