(TMZ) Bubba Sparxxx once rapped, "I ain't choose to rhyme, rhymin' chose me" -- now you can add "paying his taxes" to the list of things Bubba has chosen not to do ... TMZ has learned.According to documents filed in Georgia, the former Timbaland protege -- whose biggest song, "Ugly," came out in 2001 -- owes $29,266.88 in back taxes from the year 2006. It was originally only about $15k ... but interest and fees have nearly doubled his debt.
The State of Georgia is now garnishing Bubba's wages through BMI, a music company that dishes out royalties to artists. From March through May of this year, the state has already grabbed $3,622.45 ... which represents all the money Bubba was owed by BMI.
Sounds like Georgia is in it for the long haul.
Calls to Bubba's rep have not been returned. more on this story