(Classic Rock) Bruce Springsteen battled suicidal thoughts in the early 1980s, he's revealed. The Boss began seeing a psychotherapist as a result of his childhood relationship with his father along with experiencing a mixed reaction to achieving fame and fortune.Many of his songs discuss the difficulties of dealing with his father's own depression, and fears he'd have to face similar demons – which turned out to be true. Springsteen tells the New Yorker: "My issues weren't as obvious as drugs. Mind were different. They were quieter – just as problematic, but quieter."
His friend and biographer Dave Marsh says: "He was feeling suicidal. The depression wasn't shocking, per se. He was on a rocket ride from nothing to something. Now you're getting your ass kissed day and night. You start to have some inner conflicts about your real self-worth."
But along with help from his associates, the Boss found solace on stage. more on this story