(TMZ) Evander Holyfield couldn't fight his way outta this one ... the former heavyweight champ is finally moving out of his foreclosed Georgia mansion after failing to strike a deal with the bank. TMZ broke the story ... Holyfield owed more than $14 million on the 54,000 square foot mega-mansion ... which was recently sold at a foreclosure auction for $7.5 million.
After the sale, the bank that purchased the home allowed Evander to continue to live there temporarily ... but judging by the moving trucks lined up at his front door ... it seems he's finally worn out his welcome.
We're told the trucks spent several hours at the mansion -- though it's unclear where the movers are taking E.H.'s stuff.
Holyfield obviously has some major financial problems -- besides the foreclosure, he owes a ton of cash in unpaid federal taxes ... plus, he's up to his mangled ears in back child support payments. more on this story