Today award winning music star NvS tells us about her latest single "Between My Thighs"."Between My Thighs" really focuses on the theme of sex vs. intimacy. The song was written from a very honest and truthful place. One of my main inspirations for the song was Janet Jackson's "That's the Way Love Goes," and I wanted to write something that captured the one on one aspect of intimacy. As soon as I heard the music, I immediately had the melody for the song. Lyrics flowed as well, but the hardest part was writing the chorus. I knew what I wanted to say but didn't know how to say it in just a few words, so I reached out to my songwriter friend Joe Louis to help finish the song. As soon as he heard it he suggested I be bold, and I remember him saying "Nirv, you gotta kill em' with this one. Face between my thighs!" I was nervous at first but gave his chorus idea a try. From there I tweaked the melody and penned the second verse reflecting on past experiences for inspiration. Lets just say, the lyrics and melodies flowed.. lol.
This song is a statement about being honest and vocal with our partners. We can only learn from each other by teaching each other. Love making is supposed to be selfless. If you're trying to please each other, it will be magical. But you can't take care of each other if you don't know what to do. And in this particular situation, I just needed some "face between my thighs!"