(Gibson) The greatest harmonica man to ever blow the blues, Little Walter died in his sleep on this day in 1968. He was only 37 years old, but Walter looked much older, his body and soul battered and bruised from hard loving and too many defeats.Just exactly how he died is another of rock and roll's great mysteries. And the rumors were always going to spring up surrounding Little Walter, one of the more colorful characters in the tough world of Chicago blues.
Well-known for his quick temper, Little Walter was a fighter and a brawler who took more beatings over the years then he ever delivered. Some say the final straw was a head-blow from the brother of one of Walter's many lady friends. Others say he was smacked over the head with a lead pipe over a bad gambling debt.
Muddy Waters, whose common sense and level headedness rivaled his prodigious musical talent once said, "He's real tough, Little Walter, and he's had it hard. Got a slug in his leg right now!" more on this story