Ozzy Osbourne is the special guest on the latest episode of InTheStudio to discuss Black Sabbath's Vol. 4 album. InTheStudio spoke with Ozzy to get the story behind Vol. 4 which is widely viewed as the last great album from the original Sabbath line-up, on it's 40th anniversary.
Black Sabbath was fracturing under its own internal pressures with the added complication of substantial substance abuse, but by his own admission, Ozzy tells 'InTheStudio' host Redbeard what the real culprit was to the eventual demise of the original band.
"What happened with me and Black Sabbath was that, in the beginning we all had a purpose, but as we went along that inevitable thing stepped in called ego
The fact is that success does change you. It affected ME. I was full of cocaine. That stuff makes you talk the biggest load of horse crap. There shouldn't be a problem (left) in the world, 'cause we solved them all in the bathroom of a hotel with a bag of that white powder. " Listen to the show here.