The Los Angeles Police Department have apologized to Notorious B.I.G.'s family over releasing his autopsy report without letting them know before hand."Due to an administrative error, the autopsy report was released prematurely," the LAPD said in a statement. "Robbery-Homicide Division detectives had intended to notify Mr. Wallace's family prior to releasing the report."
"Our detectives personally spoke with the Wallace family [Friday] night, and apologized for not notifying them prior to the release" Captain Billy Hayes, head of the division investigating the shooting, told the Los Angeles Times. "Obviously this has been a challenging case for us to solve. We hope that witnesses or other people with information will come forward and give us the clues we need to solve this case."
The Times reports that the LAPD released the report "as an investigative tool, in the hopes that releasing the report would stimulate additional interest or bring forth witnesses or clues in the case." Read the LA Times story here for more details.