(TMZ) Octomom Nadya Suleman -- who is pulling in $2,000 a month in food stamps thanks to California taxpayers -- spent $520 on a Brazilian blowout, and 2 cuts ... TMZ has learned.Octo's hairstylist Stephanie tells us ... she went to Octo's house on April 18 to cut her hair and do a Brazilian blowout -- a chemical straightening treatment. Octo owed Stephanie for an earlier haircut, and the grand total came to $520. Octo also paid Stephanie $80 for hair products. Mind you -- Octo wrote the check at a time when she was in dire need of welfare.
Stephanie -- who went to cops this week and filed a report claiming the 14 kids were living in squalor -- tells us she couldn't believe Octo was spending this kind of loot on haircuts when her plumbing didn't work.
Stephanie says a plumber had been to the house recently and told Octo it would cost $150 to fix the pipes, but Octo declined, saying it was too expensive. As a result, the kids have to use portable training toilets in the backyard. more on this story