Today Derek Jordan from Decoded tells us about their brand new single, "Lost No More," which was released today. Here is the story:I had a best friend all throughout elementary school. We did everything together. He taught me about baseball cards and rollerblading, and was the first person I knew to have Sega Genesis. We were inseparable.
However, as we entered middle school, we gradually drifted apart into different social circles. I became more "accepted" among the "cool" kids, whereas my friend was seen as an outcast. I was concerned about my social status, which, when I look back at it now, means nothing.
Although we sparsely hung out in middle school, when high school came around, I didn't really know him anymore. I remember feeling really bad like I had betrayed him. Then one day, I happened to sit with him in the cafeteria during lunch. He confessed to me about how miserable he had become and that he had no friends. Once he mentioned the thought of harming himself, I began to worry.
Soon after that, I invited him over my house to hang out, it must have been the first time we had hung out in over five years. We chatted a little and ordered pizza. He engulfed that pizza faster than anyone I had ever seen. The poor kid was hungry. I haven't seen or spoken to him since high school. Somewhere through the years of adolescence, I had lost my childhood best friend.
The song "Lost No More" is about reminiscing on those events. I tried to help him. I tried to save him. I remember it all like it was yesterday.
Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself right here!