(TMZ) The fan who passed out twice in a row at a recent Game concert insists ... he was NOT under the influence when he lost consciousness -- he was just hungry, exhausted, dehydrated ... and extremely hot inside his hoodie.TMZ posted the video on Sunday -- showing Paul Gaza losing consciousness in the front row at Game's recent show in Santa Ana, CA. Game stopped the concert to make sure Paul got help.
During the show, Game had recommended Paul receive a steady dose of "p**sy" ... claiming his low levels of tang made often caused a similar reaction ... in his younger days.
But Paul says the P-word had nothing to do with his condition ... telling us he hadn't eaten (food) all day, was exhausted from standing in line for 6 hours to get inside the venue, hadn't had a drop of water to drink, and was burning up with his hoodie on.
All in all, the conditions created a perfect storm ... and Paul couldn't keep his head straight. See the video.