(hennemusic) Sebastian Bach had some fun recently when he posted an April Fools' gag suggesting that he was reuniting with his old band.Here's the post: "Wow, i have been waiting a long time to make this announcement. It looks like the stars have finally aligned! It is amazing to me to say that ... Yes... Talks are underway for the reunion tour of all reunion tours!! I am happy to announce I am negotiating details with my old band & we are gonna get the band back together for an epic tour of sheds, arenas, casinos & marinas that will span the globe! We are going to start immediately on our new CD "Rock Sucker" that is guaranteed to be Eddie Trunks wet dream come true & we are all getting along famously! Or infamously, as the (hard) case may be! More details to come, watch this space!!"
Bach later confessed to the prank - which was picked up as a real item by FOX News – and added, "where there is smoke, there is fire. Kinda sorta." more on this story