(TMZ) Slade Smiley from "Real Housewives of Orange County" is threatening legal action against his baby mama after he was verbally assaulted on a Hollywood red carpet and accused of being a deadbeat dad. TMZ posted the video this morning of a man attacking Slade and Gretchen Rossi ... accusing Slade of being $160,000 in arrears on his child support to Michelle Arroyo.
Slade's attorney tells TMZ, "Slade is not a deadbeat dad and is making timely payments. We will be looking into this further and if Miss Arroyo did hire these clowns to harass Slade we will exercise all our rights including a restraining order if necessary."
The attorney also says Arroyo is actually denying Slade time with his son, Grayson ... an 11-year-old diagnosed with cancer. Arroyo says Slade is now paying her $775/month, but claims he remains $95,000 behind.
As for last night's 3 ring circus ... Slade's lawyer says, "It appears this whole thing was staged and created by Miss Arroyo who is obviously looking for attention." more on this story