(Gibson) Chris Martin says Coldplay's new record is "dangerously close" to a musical. The album Mylo Xyloto is out in late October and the tracks have a related theme. Rihanna guests on the song "Princess of China" and Martin has told MTV News why the group needed a female vocalist for the song."Our new record is sort of a story. It's not quite a musical, but it's dangerously close. There's a bit of a love-story thread, so we really needed someone to sing even higher than me. You need to be a female really. For all [drummer] Will Champion's good intentions, he can't do it
Martin claims he even wrote "Princess of China" with Rihanna in mind. "We had a song that I'd secretly kind of written to see if Rihanna would want to sing it. We came up with the idea of asking her to sing it with us, and, to our great surprise, she said OK." more on this story