(hennemusic) There's no question Slayer was going to rumble Yankee Stadium last week during the Big Four show with Metallica, Megadeth and Anthrax.Now, fans can get a real sense of the punishment as the band has released Drum Cam footage featuring Dave Lombardo killing it live in the Bronx.
"[Slayer's] set was the only one of the four without any source of light except the stage: the sun had gone down by "South of Heaven," and the singer Tom Araya, stock still and staring straight ahead, spit out his lyrics so fast that they couldn't be displayed on the outfield's digital screens, as they were for the other bands," wrote the New York Times. "For a memorable 40 minutes or so, Yankee Stadium became a dark and contemplative place for a performance that ran nearly uninterrupted, except for a few quiet pauses."
check it out here