(Rock News Desk) Journey guitarist Neal Schon says his sudden reunion with former lover Michaele Salahi is a dream come true – despite the fact that two other relationships have been destroyed in the process.The couple got back together last week after 15 years apart. Salahi's husband Tareq reported she'd been kidnapped when she disappeared from their home without taking any possessions with her. But she turned up later that day with Schon at a Journey concert, and a spokesman confirmed the couple were "together."
She says the Salahis, who became tabloid TV stars after gatecrashing a White House function in 2009, got together because she was suffering from multiple sclerosis and decided she'd be better off with Tareq as his life was more stable than Schon's rock musician lifestyle. The guitarist tells the Daily Beast how she changed her mind while the three members of the love triangle were backstage at a Journey show. Read what he has to say here