(hennemusic) Slash launched his new wah-wah pedal with an in-store appearance at the new GuitarGuitar store in Epsom, U.K. While chatting with Music Radar about the new gear, Slash was also asked about his plans for his next solo album."We actually haven't started recording, but we've been in pre-production," said Slash. "We're about nine songs in, as far as that goes. And when I get back from England tomorrow, we'll go in and do another 12 songs. And we start actually recording late October. This is a record with Myles [Kennedy of Alter Bridge] singing in the entire thing. And also Brent Fitz's playing drums and Todd Kerns is playing bass."
Basically, the next album will be done from the ground up with Slash's touring lineup of the past year and a half. more on this story