(RockAAA) A new AC/DC exhibit has opened in Glasgow. The BBC reports "AC/DC Scotland's Family Jewels" opened this past weekend at Kelvingrove Museum. It's the first time this band-approved exhibition has left Australia and Scotland seemed like the obvious place to bring it."There's so many connections with Glasgow and Scotland, and when I was putting the exhibition together in Australia, I kept finding material about it, " says curator Tim Fisher. "One of my bits of research was to go see AC/DC at Hampden Park a couple of years ago, and when I was here, I came to see the people at Kelvingrove and that's how it all came about."
Founding band members Angus and Malcolm Young were born in Glasgow before the family moved to Australia in 1963; their immigration papers feature in the first section of the exhibition which charts their childhood and life before AC/DC. An early photograph shows the brothers posing at the Christmas display at a department store in Glasgow. more on this story