(RockAAA) Michael Monroe says the tragic car accident involving Vince Neil and Razzle, claiming the latter's life, acted as the catalyst for the demise of Hanoi Rocks in 1985 – but he insists he holds no grudges with the Motley Crue singer.Monroe, who was Hanoi Rocks frontman, was devastated when Razzle was killed following a crash involving a car Neil was driving but while he confesses the band began to unravel after the accident he doesn't feel Neil is to blame.
"There was a car accident where unfortunately our drummer (Razzle Dingley) was killed. That was one of the reasons that Hanoi Rocks disbanded. As far as Vince Neil I have nothing to say," Monroe told Sleaze Roxx. "It was an accident that surely all of us would like to put behind us already. I would never blame anybody for an accident — you can't. What happened, happened, and I can't change that. Everybody suffered from this and we'd like to put that behind us. more on this story