(Gibson) On September 12, 1952 little Neil Ellwood Peart was born on the family farm in Hagersville, Ontario, near Hamilton. A year later, elsewhere in the Great White North, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson joined him on Planet Earth. But their paths would not cross for a while.Neil would have a normal childhood, with a brother and two sisters to keep him company. Eventually, he would acquire a taste for music
and pounding on things. His parents misinterpreted this as a desire to play any percussive instrument. So, they gave young Neil piano lessons. It was a valiant, but futile attempt to keep the Peart home peaceful and quiet.
When Neil turned 13, his parents yielded to his wishes, partially, by purchasing for him drumsticks and a practice pad. Along with this, they gave him the promise that if he kept up with his lessons for a year, he would get a real kit. Neil kept his end of the bargain. And so, for his 14th birthday, Neil Peart received a set of drums
and rock music was forever altered. more on this story