(Rock News Desk) Joe Elliott says if Def Leppard are no more a hair metal band than Led Zeppelin. The singer insists the label was applied to his band by people who didn't know what they were talking about – and it's affected a large number of 80s rock bands who have struggled to escape the shadow of the negative branding."We used to get riled when people called us a hair metal band. If that's true, then so are Led Zeppelin," Elliott tells the Daily Record. "It's a ridiculously stupid, lazy term from people who can't be bothered listening to the music because they're fans of REM or Tom Waits.
"We've put up with that all our lives. The only people who get into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are the Tom Pettys and Bruce Springsteens. They don't want us or Black Sabbath in there because it's seen to be dirty. more on this story