(hennemusic) It sounds, and looks, like a TMZ moment, but eyewitness reports indicate Axl Rose snapped at fans at a Rosario, Argentina airport Monday night, following the band's performance at Salon Metropolitano.A GNR fan shot the footage, and she states in her comments that it is Axl arriving at the terminal. The rough translation of the Spanish text by the fan is that Axl arrived at the airport to take his private jet; when the VIP gate wasn't working, he was forced to use the main entrance, and fans descended upon the car when it pulled up the main entrance.
The video shows a dark SUV arriving at the curb; as fans gather and one approaches the car, Axl gets out of the back seat, slamming the door in anger while yelling, "Get the f**k away from me, you f**king idiot." More including the video