(Rock News Desk) Staind have shouted down rumors they're about to break up. The band's future became the subject of fan speculation after drummer Jon Wysocki left in May. More stories circulated after a documentary about the making of their recent self-titled album appeared to show an outfit dissolving in acrimony.The success of frontman Aaron Lewis' country music side project has provided yet more grist to the rumour mill. But he and guitarist Mike Mushok say Staind have a long future ahead of them – although Lewis will be taking time out to work on his solo projects.
The band are currently touring Europe and Lewis explains what will happen afterwards: "I go back to doing my solo stuff and filming for my hunting TV show. After Thanksgiving Staind goes out for a couple of weeks.
"Then in January and February I finish up my solo stuff then we start our world tour in February. Then we're back for a States tour, then back to Europe, then I'll come back here and do something on the solo side. Then a Staind headlining tour in the States." But where did the signals get crossed?