(Banana 101.5) Years of headbanging will take it's toll on your neck — just ask Dave Mustaine of Megadeth. The metal vet had to undergo surgery for that very reason, but after just two weeks he already "feels great".The metal community just let out a collective sigh of relief as Dave Mustaine has emerged from his neck surgery healthy and unscathed. Mustaine risked serious injury (and the possibility of being paralyzed) by fulfilling Megadeth's obligation to play at the Yankee Stadium show with The Big 4 September 14th. Regarding his decision to postpone his surgery until after the gig, Mustaine told Rolling Stone:
"I thought about it and I thought, 'You know what? I trust God and I know he's got me in his hands. I know that he hasn't brought me this far through all this adversity and done all this reconciliation with all the bands and us all getting along this well to have the finale show here in the States stopped. And I just thought, either God's everything or it's nothing, and I believe in him, so that's why." more on this story