Sinead O'Connor Tweets For Suicide Advice was a top 11 story of 2011 for September. Here is the recap: (rock nyc) Sinead O'Connor has been tweeting about her wish to commit suicide. "Psychiatrist says I'm a bad mum and mental for talking so openly about sex in public."I wish suicide wud ( kill me. I want to go to heaven so bad. Have for yrs ( But I don't wanna abandon my kids. If I cud (sic) die without them knowing I did it myself I wud.
"I'm so tired. 24 yrs of being treated like a crazy person. Can't manage any more. If any1 knows how I can kill myself without my kids finding out I did it deliberately pls tell me." - more on this story
This Thanksgiving weekend we are looking back at the top 11 Day in Pop stories for each month of 2011. See the other Top 11 of 11 stories here