Shooting May Leave Metal Guitarist Paralyzed was a top 11 story of 2011 for October. Here is the recap: (Rock News Desk) A 25-year-old death metal guitarist may never walk again after being shot in an armed robbery near his home. Tony Lorenzo of Buffalo, New York band Sons of Azrael has a bullet lodged in his spine and is currently paralyzed from the waist down.Doctors must wait for the swelling to go down before attempting to remove the missile, and until then they can't say whether Lorenzo will make a full recovery.
The incident unfolded when an unidentified young man approached him and his friend from behind. The guitarist tells "The kid asked me, 'Give me what you got.' And before I could even get my wallet out, he just shot me. - more on this story
This Thanksgiving weekend we are looking back at the top 11 Day in Rock stories for each month of 2011. See the other Top 11 of 11 stories here