Former BulletBoys Member Killed (Top 11 of 11)
Former BulletBoys Member Killed was a top 11 story of 2011 for August. Here is the recap: Former BulletBoys drummer Johnny Giosa, a.k.a Johnny G, was killed in an auto accident on Sunday in Los Angeles, according to Noise Creep.The band posted the following on their Facebook page: "I post this message with a heavy heavy heart...Words can not express how devastated I am to hear about my friends passing, Mr. Johnny G. "My sincerest condolences to his family and the ones he loved. We're all going to miss you brother! RIP....Skinnard!!" - Read the Noise Creep report here
This Thanksgiving weekend we are looking back at the top 11 Day in Rock stories for each month of 2011. See the other Top 11 of 11 stories here
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