(Gibson) KISS drummer Eric Singer says the band's new album will be more produced than 2009's Sonic Boom, with a more bombastic drum sound and generally better sonics than its predecessor.In an interview with Mitch Lafon of Bravewords.com, Singer said the band was eight songs into the recording, but at this stage the album doesn't have a title. "This isn't The Elder where we have a theme for the whole record," Singer said. "It's a straight-ahead rock KISS record and I think this stuff is far stronger, better material [than Sonic Boom]. It's more riffy, which makes it more interesting." The drummer likened the approach to the band's classic 1976 album Destroyer.
Singer says there are plans for both he and guitarist Tommy Thayer to have a vocal song on the album. "We've never asked to sing a song," the ironically named Singer said. "Paul [Stanley] is the producer and that was his choice and decision. It was him encouraging me to sing." more on this story