(Gibson) Rob Zombie has admitted that despite some reservations about how halls of fame operate, he was honored to induct his hero Alice Cooper into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame earlier this year and enjoyed the whole experience.Zombie told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "I used to feel sort of anti-Rock and Roll of Hall Fame, because, you know, as Steve Earle was saying, why do they let this person in and not that person? But when I was actually there, I got a different perspective on it, because, unlike certain other award-type shows, it was a really cool vibe there, and it was very much musicians paying tribute to other musicians. It didn't have a cheesy corporate vibe to it.
"The whole evening was fantastic. It was a big honor to induct Alice. I've known Alice for 17 years or something, we're good friends, so I was honored to be asked." more on this story