(Rock News Desk) Machine Head mainman Robb Flynn admits his fans can be so intense it sometimes scares him. And while he finds himself amazed at the sight of massive circle pits appearing while he plays, he's often concerned for the participants' safety.The band recently returned to the live arena after completing work on upcoming album Unto the Locust, following nearly three years on the road promoting previous release The Blackening.
"People do some crazy sh*t. They carve our names into them, they jump off balconies. Sh*t like that is f**king scary to watch at times. We're like, 'Dude, be careful.'," Flynn tells The First 3 Songs. "When we were headlining the Wacken festival there was a point I was looking out into the audience and there was a circle pit about a quarter-mile wide. It was jawdropping to watch. more on this story