(Rock News Desk) Tommy Lee admits he's made his job three times harder by devising the roller coaster drumkit he's using on the current Motley Crue tour. But he says it's important to keep outdoing himself – and he's already trying to think of an even more spectacular set-up for the band's next stint on the road.Lee's kit is welded to a bogey on a circular rail which stands perpendicular to the stage. During the show he invites a member of the audience to join him as he plays a drum solo while the bogey rolls up and over – meaning he's playing against gravity for most of the stunt.
"Everything to do with this is absolutely wrong. Playing upside down is insane – it's two or three times more difficult than normal." He tells MusicRadar. "Your feet want to come off the pedals, your arm want to drop. All of your body is fighting gravity. The only time it's comfortable is when you're in the ground position. The rest of the time everything's out of control." more on this story