(RockAAA) Stuart Galbraith admits the Sonisphere Festival touring marathon has been brilliant but the boss is always looking forward and he reveals talks to take the festival outside Europe are already underway.Speaking to RockAAA backstage at the final Sonisphere Festival in Spain on Saturday night he said: "Tomorrow morning I fly back out to Istanbul where we are looking to redo a deal for Turkey for next year and there are a couple of territories we are looking at, one of which may come off for later this year, and we are already looking for new territories for next year too.
"We are looking outside Europe and we are looking at the Middle East, India and South America at the moment. Sonisphere was always intended to be global. It was always going to be easiest for us to get a solid base in Europe and build it here, consolidate it and grow out from there which is exactly what we are intending on doing." more on this story