(RockAAA) Stopping off in Birmingham, England, on the publicity tour for his #1 selling book 'Seven Deadly Sins' Corey Taylor took part in a Q & A session with fans and performed a number of acoustic songs.During the session he talked fondly of Paul Gray and gave fans an insight into how he perceives the future of Slipknot. He said: "I will say that I am completely open to doing some more touring, but there's a lot of healing [that needs to happen first].
"First of all, thank you very much for this last tour. That tour was one of the hardest things we've ever had to do, and the amount of respect that you guys showed us, I will never f**king forget it, so thank you so much for it," He continued. "As for the immediate future, we've already talked about maybe doing some touring and what-not. I'm still kind of on the fence about how I feel about making a new album right away." more on this story