(hennemusic) In the rain and the mud, Metallica rocked the hill in Halifax Thursday night. "Halifax, are you with us? Metallica is with you," James Hetfield roared, later dubbing the Canadian east coast city "Metallifax."Most fans had been standing in the rain and mud for hours
and Metallica did not disappoint. "Rain, no rain. Sun, no sun. We create our own," shouted Hetfield, with every word eliciting cheers.
From there it was all pyrotechnics and crowd-pleasers. The band launched into "For Whom the Bell Tolls," and the crowd recognized it immediately, throwing up the horns and banging their fists along to the beat. "I hope you like the old ones," Hetfield said with a smile. The crowd certainly let him know their preference, as the band then launched into the title track from "Ride the Lightning." Check out video here