(Gibson) While speaking to students at Boston's Berklee College of Music, John Mayer explained why he stopped using Twitter. The guitarist said that it hampered his creativity as a musician."I realized about a year ago that I couldn't have a complete thought anymore, and I was a tweetaholic," Mayer said, according to Rolling Stone. "I had four million Twitter followers, and I was always writing on it. And I stopped using Twitter as an outlet and I started using Twitter as the instrument to riff on, and it started to make my mind smaller and smaller and smaller. And I couldn't write a song."
Mayer has taken a technology-averse stance when recording his new album. "Here are the rules for recording this record: No drum machines, no loops, no keyboards to start out with, no excuses, no breaks, no laptops, no nothing," he said. "If you take a break, it's to eat. If you're done, you go home." more on this story