(Gibson) There are some interesting rumors circulating about Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and the involvement of The Beatles in the opening ceremony for next year's Summer Olympics in London, according to NME.com. McCartney has admitted to his involvement in the ceremony
sort of.When asked on American television if he'd be appearing, he nodded, before saying, "I hear there's a rumour that I might be involved." Referring to The Beatles, he said, "I hear they're planning this sort of music."
British newspaper The Sun has gone a step further, with an unnamed source reporting: "The organizers want the music legend to appear alongside other big British acts. And they also want Ringo on stage as well to make it extra special."
And that's not all. The paper suggests that McCartney and Starr might join the children of the late George Harrison and John Lennon to perform in a Beatles reunion. more on this story