Backstreet Boy Howie D [Howie Dorough] has announced the release of his solo debut, Back To Me, which will hit stores in November. Here is the background his peeps sent over about the album:About Back To Me's sound, Howie explains, "The whole objective was to show people my individual personality. When we come together in Backstreet Boys, our individual sounds create an unbelievable group sound.
"At the same time, we've all had aspirations of doing solo projects for many years. This is finally my chance to get out there, step up to the plate, and show everyone what I got."
The album's first single "100," is described in a press release as: a vibrant anthem that can proudly stand alongside his catchiest cuts, to the infectious ballad "Lie To Me" which showcases Howie's heights as a vocalist, and the entrancing cut "Pure" written with BSB cohort Nick Carter, Howie certainly shows everyone what he's got and so much more.