(Gibson) Death Cab for Cutie are mulling over the idea of touring with a string section. Billboard.com talked to guitarist/producer Chris Walla about adding some other instruments to the live mix."The idea is still on the table," Walla said. "It would be really fun to take Magik*Magik Orchestra out. But unfortunately, it is kind of nightmare to try and figure it out."
Magik*Magik Orchestra contributed heavily to the band's latest album, Codes and Keys. They also helped the band perform material from the album on VH1 Storytellers.
"It's sort of turned into the Polyphonic Spree dilemma," Walla joked. "You can make a living or you can play with an orchestra. They're totally mutually exclusive – you almost can't do one and the other. But, I do think that we'll be able to do some shows with Magik*Magik somewhere at some point, even if it's not a full tour." more on this story