(Rock News Desk) DevilDriver frontman Dez Fafara insists he had to split previous band Coal Chamber before any of the members killed themselves through drug abuse – and he was perfectly aware the move might involve killing his own career.Fafara formed DevilDriver in 2002 and Coal Chamber disbanded the following year. At the time he cited a change in musical direction, but he now explains that wasn't the case.
"Hard drugs and hard alcohol will take tour life away. I left Coal Chamber because of that, not the music. I said I wanted to go in a different direction – but that was because I was friends with all the families in the band and I didn't want to call them out and say, 'They're doing mountains of speed,'" He tells Disciples of Metal. "I realised that if I kept feeding them money they'd keep buying drugs, and they were going to kill themselves." There is a happy ending