(Rock News Desk) The frontman of Jon Oliva's Pain has revealed his shock and sadness at the sudden death of guitarist Matt LaPorte, who was 40 when he passed away on Wednesday.And Oliva says it's even more hard to bear because he believes his brother Criss, who died in a car crash in 1993, used LaPorte to channel his art. The brothers founded Savatage in 1978 and it didn't last long after the younger sibling's tragic death. Jon went on to form JOP, and recruited LaPorte in 2004, although the pair's friendship went back much further.
Jon Oliva says: "It is with great heartache and sorry I relay the passing of our dear friend, bandmate, guitarist and brother Matt. He passed away at home shortly after 6pm on Wednesday. No information regarding his cause of death is available. more on this story