(Rock News Desk) Ray Davies will meet brother Dave next week to discuss a Kinks reunion, and says: "I'll do it if he will."The 60s icons have been the subject of reunion rumours for years, although it's never come to fruition, often due to the heated rivalry between the Davies brothers. The closest they came was a planned gathering a few years ago, which was called off after bassist Peter Quaife, who's since died, began suffering kidney problems.
Ray tells Rolling Stone: "I'm seeing Dave next week. I hear he's been saying stuff in the press like, 'I'll do it, but Ray doesn't want to do it.' I know he's expressed an interest, and also that he's called me an a**hole – it depends what side of bed he gets up on.
"Well, this is me saying, 'Ray will do it if Dave does it.'" more on this story