We figured we would start you week off right with a video of Evile taking on Rebecca Black's infamous 'song,' "Friday," in their new studio video.Evile are currently recording the new album at Parlour Studios in Kettering, England, and are once again working with producer Russ Russell (Napalm Death, Dimmu Borgir), who produced the band's previous effort, 2009's Infected Nations.
"Having a lot of fun tracking this album. Yesterday our manager, Julie, came to visit and listen to a few tracks. Her reaction was very positive, so even more great vibes going around. All drums done, nearly all bass done, all rhythm guitars done, all guitar harmonies done. We're starting guitar solos today, and vocals are well on their way," says lead guitarist Ol Drake. "All I can say is, I love the stuff on this album. Out of the three albums we've done so far, I've had the most fun on this, and this is the most creative we've been in terms of writing. Simply can't wait for people to get the completed package!" Check out Evile Friday here