After Darks 4th Installment of 8 Films to Die For opens in theatres throughout the country Friday January 29th 2010. The Graves, written & directed by Brian Pulido and Kevin Hamedani's Horror Comedy ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction's Red Carpet Premiere takes place on Saturday January 30th at the Beverly Center Cinemas in Hollywood, CA. The event is open to the public.The Graves is about two sisters whose visit to Skull City Mine turns into a mind bending fight for survival against menaces both human, and supernatural, starring Bill Moseley (The Devil's Rejects), Tony Todd (Candyman), D. Randall Blythe (Scream, Lamb Of God), Clare Grant (MTV's $5 Cover), and Jillian Murray (Wild Things).
In attendance: Bill Moseley (Texas Chainsaw Massacre II), Tony Todd (24), Clare Grant (Masters of Horror), Jillian Murray (Wild Things), Shane Stevens, Brian Pulido (Writer / Director), Brian and Dean Ronalds (Producers/Co-Stars), Francisca Pulido (Production Designer/Producer), Jim Casella (Composer), Barbara Glover (Mama).
Special Guests: Seth Green (Robot Chicken, Austin Powers), Dave Foley (Kids in the Hall, News Radio", Jason Mewes (Clerks), London May of Samhain, and Ken Colom (The Shield). More attendees to be announced.
ZMD: ZOMBIES OF MASS DESTRUCTION takes place in an idyllic island town that goes under attack by the most invasive of pests: zombies starring Janette Armand, Doug Fahl, Cooper Hopkins, Ali Hamedani, Victoria Drake, Director of Photographer John Guleserian and Director Kevin Hamedani.
In attendance: Janette Armand, Doug Fahl, Cooper Hopkins, Ali Hamedani, Victoria Drake, Director of Photographer John Guleserian and Director Kevin Hamedani.
Special Guests: Matthew Lillard (Scream), Chris Wylde and Abraham Benrubi (ER), Director Mike Milion (Tenure) and Director Nicholas Jasenovec (Paper Heart).
Saturday, Jan. 30, 2010
Film Screening: 7:30 p.m. THE GRAVES
Film Screening: 10pm ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction
Beverly Center 13
8500 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048-6201
(310) 854-0070