Radiohead Star Scores Film
(Gibson) When guitarist Jonny Greenwood hasn't been busy enough with his duties in Radiohead, he has also served as composer-in-residence for the BBC Concert Orchestra. Sections of an orchestral piece Greenwood first performed and recorded with that group, "Doghouse," are now slated to become the primary themes of a film score for Norwegian Wood, a feature film based on a novel by Haruki Murakami."I wrote this piece mostly in hotels and dressing rooms while touring with Radiohead," Greenwood told Film Score Monthly. "This was more practical than glamorous – lots of time sitting around indoors, lots of instruments about – and aside from picking up a few geographical working titles, I can't think that it had any effect where, on tour, it was written. There's supposed to be a theme (or at least a source of inspiration) in music like this, but it's hard to pin down." more on this story is an official news provider for the Day in Rock.
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