(PR) Bazillion Points is offering a free download extract of "Chapter 5. Passing the Threshold", from the newly-released book Mean Deviation: Four Decades of Progressive Heavy Metal, by Jeff Wagner. After tracing the origins of progressive metal from Rush, King Crimson, and Black Sabbath, in this excerpt Wagner looks at the formation and importance of the most groundbreaking of progressive metal mavericks. High points include John Arch's dramatic exit from Fates Warning; the story behind Operation Mindcrime; the rise and fall of Crimson Glory; and even a curious "What if?" section, that ponders a near-miss of early prog metal history involving Watchtower guitarist Ron Jarzombek...
In addition, the book's index can be also be downloaded, providing an in-depth look at numbers behind Wagner's treatment of Atheist, Believer, Voivod, Dream Theater, and other progressive metal giants. Check it out here