(Blabbermouth) Boko Radiic, the 28-year-old frontman of the Serbian thrash metal band Space Eater, and his 26-year-old sister died Tuesday night (June 2) when a fire broke out in their apartment building in Belgrade. According to media reports, the two fled their apartment at the sight of the fire and suffocated in the fumes as the smoke began to rise up the staircase while they were trying to get down to safety.
According to SPACE EATER's official bio, the band had recorded a promo version of its second album, which was supposed to contain eight new songs: "Crush, Kill, Destroy", "Say Your Prayers", "Abort", "F.A.A." , "Up On These Shores", "Quantum Leap", "Divide & Conquer" and "No Retreat". - more on this story