(BW&BK) A 19-year-old St. Louis-area woman was killed in a traffic crash Friday near Carbondale, where she was a sophomore at Southern Illinois University. Her passenger was also killed and two others seriously injured in the 5 p.m. crash, authorities said.The local victim was Yasmin S. Jackson, of Florissant, a 2007 graduate of Hazelwood East High School. She was driving northbound on Interstate 57 in West Frankfort when a box truck crossed the interstate median and hit her SUV and a pickup truck head-on, according to the Illinois State Police. She was killed instantly.
The box truck driver was identified as Dennis D. Hernandez, 38, of Lamont, Calif. Police said Hernandez fell asleep at the wheel before crossing the interstate median. Hernandez was hauling sound equipment for the musician Bret Michaels, lead singer of the glam-rock band Poison. - more on this story