(Metal Underground) Writer/Director Larry Charles who has worked on such films and shows such as Borat, Curb Your Enthusiasm and Seinfeld has spoken recently about the proposed Motley Crue movie and his feelings on the band themselves."The Motley Crue thing I was really into and I did a lot of work on it," Charles says. "I wrote a pass on the script and everything, but it was at MTV Films which then got swallowed by Paramount Vantage which then got swallowed by Paramount. All those people were gone that developed it and it got put to the side, so I don't know what's going to happen to it. Also my thing about that which was that I felt it had to be an NC-17 [equal to an X rating] movie, and I thought, 'Well that would be ballsy to do. When was the last time they had a mainstream NC-17 movie?' That'd be a good idea."
"I don't know if you've read the book, but it's really a great read," he continued. "Do you know Neil Strauss at all? He used to work for The New York Times as their pop critic, he wrote the book and he's a really good writer. It's so much better than they deserve, the book, because Motley Crüe is a crappy band but he wrote a really epic book about them. It's really fascinating. What's good about it is how hardcore it is. They've killed people, they've hurt people, they've crippled people, they've done all kinds of crazy things. You'd have to show that for real and I think there was a little bit of reticence about doing that ultimately. But for me, I would do it if it could be done the proper way. If it's going to be sanitized then they don't need me to do it. They could find somebody else to do that." - more metal news