(Wired.com ) Three months ago, [Wired.com's] Listening Post followed Stephen Colbert's lead and wondered aloud why Rush hadn't made the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame yet. We asked the readership to chime in on the snub, and it hit us back with a record 500 responses. We might have to check the math, but that might also be an overall site record as well. Listening Post also contacted our source at the Hall and asked if it would be cool enough to field three burning questions from Rush fans, and they agreed. Recent news that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame's American Masters Series kicks off on Monday with a bow down to guitar legend and master tinkerer Les Paul only made those questions burn further. After all, Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson is one of rock's greatest ax masters, and has been known to shred righteously on Les Pauls of many colors. Serendipity!
So time's up, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Listening Post sifted through the hundreds of responses and found their major recurring themes, which are best exemplified by the three urgent queries - here. (our bet is on No. 3)