(PR) The latest special double episode of Talking Metal recorded at the St. James Pub in historic Maplewood, New Jersey features interviews hosts Mark Strigl and John Ostronomy conducted with Guns N' Roses/Sex Tapes multi-intrumentalist, Chris Pitman, and author/journalist, Martin Popoff. Popoff interview topics include his Ye Olde Metal book series, Bill Aucoin, Cactus, Cheetah Chrome, Dead Boys, Derringer, MC5, Piper, Rex, and Starz.
The Pitman interview topics include SexTapes, Lusk, Replicants, Zaum, Tool, Guns N' Roses, Axl Rose, "Chinese Democracy," and art. Additional podcast topics include Deep Purple, Wolf, Moonspell, and Angel. Photos as well as the 90-minute podcast can be downloaded at this - location